Domestic violence may be a common accusation or charge in Arizona, but that does not mean you should take this kind of allegation lightly. Being convicted of domestic violence or domestic abuse in Arizona could result in significant penalties, including time spent in jail or the loss of your constitutional rights. If you’re facing domestic violence charges in Arizona, contact AZ Defenders for exceptional criminal defense. Our Scottsdale domestic violence attorneys have the knowledge, experience and resources to help you navigate through these charges and protect your rights.

Scottsdale Domestic Violence Resources

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Why Choose Our Attorney?
Arizona’s Domestic Violence Law
What Is an Act of Domestic Violence in Scottsdale?
Why Hire a Domestic Violence Defense Attorney?
Possible Penalties for Domestic Violence
Potential Defenses to Domestic Violence Allegations
Steps to Follow if You’re Charged With a Crime
Speak to a Defense Attorney Today

Scottsdale Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

Why Choose Our Scottsdale Domestic Violence Defense Attorney?

  • We are highly successful and reputable criminal defense attorneys in Arizona. Our client testimonials speak for themselves.
  • Our Scottsdale criminal defense attorney is experienced, compassionate and committed to providing the support necessary to see you through your domestic violence case.
  • We have over 20 years of experience defending clients against all types of domestic violence and abuse charges in Scottsdale and throughout Arizona.

Arizona’s Domestic Violence Law

Domestic violence in Arizona is defined in Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS), Section 13-3601. This law describes it as a dangerous crime against children as defined in ARS 13-705, or various other offenses if the relationship between the victim and offender is one of the following:

  • Marriage or former marriage
  • Romantic or sexual relationship
  • People who currently or used to reside in the same household
  • People who have a child in common, or if the victim or defendant is pregnant by the other party
  • Blood relatives
  • Relatives by court order or marriage
  • The victim is a child who has resided in the same household as the defendant and is related by blood to a former spouse or household member

The crimes involved in Arizona’s domestic defense law include assault, battery, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, threats or intimidation, harassment, stalking, unlawful imprisonment, kidnapping, and breaking a court order.

What Is an Act of Domestic Violence in Scottsdale?

Many different actions committed against a family member or member of the same household can constitute domestic violence under Arizona’s law. From physical assaults such as punching, hitting or kicking a victim to yelling at a victim, many different actions and behaviors could be viewed as domestic violence. 

An act of domestic violence under Arizona law does not have to involve physical abuse or physical injuries. Domestic violence can also involve verbal, mental or emotional violence or abuse. For example, preventing the use of a phone in an emergency is a type of domestic violence in Arizona. The broad definition of this crime is part of the reason why it is so frequently charged.

Why Hire a Scottsdale Domestic Violence Defense Attorney? 

Your future may be at stake if you are being accused of domestic violence. Choosing to fight your charges with exceptional legal representation can be crucial. Your lawyer can handle the legal side of your case, such as attending criminal hearings and negotiating with the prosecutor on your behalf. Your lawyer can also take steps to protect your reputation, which can be significantly damaged due to even mere accusations. Being protected by someone with years of experience with your type of case is the best way to preserve your future. 

Possible Penalties for Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony in Scottsdale, Arizona. This crime can also come with additional charges for other crimes in association with an incidence of alleged domestic violence, such as assault or battery. Most cases of domestic violence are charged as misdemeanors, but some are felonies. The potential penalties for a domestic violence conviction in Arizona include:

  • Fines, fees and administrative penalties
  • Restitution paid to the victim
  • Probation 
  • Mandatory counseling or anger management courses
  • Community service hours
  • Revocation of the defendant’s right to bear arms
  • Up to 30 days in jail for a class 3 misdemeanor
  • Six months to three years in jail or prison for a class 1 misdemeanor to a class 6 felony
  • Up to seven years in prison for a class 2 felony 
  • 10 to 20 years in prison for a domestic violence kidnapping class 2 felony

A domestic violence charge can be upgraded to a felony in Arizona if it involves a weapon or serious bodily harm suffered by the victim. Aggravated domestic violence is also charged if this is the defendant’s third domestic violence offense within seven years, if the defendant has prior convictions for two or more out-of-state domestic violence charges but has only served four months or less in jail, or has convictions for three or more out-of-state domestic violence charges but has only served eight months or less in jail.

Potential Defenses to Domestic Violence Allegations

An attorney may be able to protect you from domestic violence charges or reduce the penalties that you face with a personalized defense strategy. Potential defense options include false accusation, no crime committed, accidental injury, wrong defendant, self-defense, defense of others, insufficient evidence, police misconduct and civil rights violations. Consult with our attorneys to discuss the defense strategy that AZ Defenders can create for you.

Steps to Follow if You’re Charged With Domestic Violence

If you have been arrested or charged with domestic violence in Scottsdale, use your right to remain silent. Politely decline to answer any questions asked until you have a defense attorney present. Even if you have been falsely accused, do not resist arrest. You and your attorney will fight the charges later. 

Contact a criminal defense lawyer in Scottsdale as soon as possible for advice. Obey your court orders and do not miss any hearings or court dates. If a restraining order has been taken out against you by the alleged victim, do not violate its terms. Your defense lawyer will give you advice as to what to do next.

Speak to a Skilled Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer in Scottsdale Today

It is important not to take domestic violence accusations lightly. This is a serious crime that can come with life-changing penalties in Arizona. The best way to protect yourself is by hiring a domestic violence and firearms crimes defense lawyer in Scottsdale. A defense attorney will have the knowledge of Arizona law to guide you through your case and explain your legal options. A skilled defense attorney will protect you to the fullest extent of the law. For more information about how our attorneys can help you with a domestic violence defense case, contact us online or call (480) 456-6400 24/7.