When dealing with family and other domestic relationships, it is not unusual for arguments to occur. Sometimes the intensity of the emotions involved can cause these conflicts to escalate. As soon as you or someone you love have been charged with domestic abuse, turn to the legal team at AZ Defenders for help. Our Gilbert domestic battery lawyers will get to work investigating every aspect of your case. The consequences of a guilty conviction for these charges are too severe to ignore.

Choosing AZ Defenders Is The Right Move

If you are facing a domestic violence charge in Arizona, please seek legal assistance from a firm you can trust. AZ Defenders is here to help.

  • We are a well-established criminal defense law firm, and our lawyers are respected members of the Arizona legal community and throughout the US.
  • We are highly rated by our former clients, and we bring a proven track record of success.
  • After accruing over 20 years of combined legal experience, we are aware of the tactics prosecutors use in similar cases.

Domestic Battery Charges Have Severe Penalties

In Arizona, there is no single charge of “domestic violence.” However, Arizona’s domestic violence statute (A.R.S. 13-3601) describes several abusive behaviors that could result in charges being filed:

These charges are not reserved just for those married to one another or those who are intimately involved. In reality, domestic violence can involve various types of relationships, including those involving:

  • Spouses or dating couples
  • Former spouses
  • A woman pregnant with your child
  • In-laws
  • Anyone you have a child with
  • Parents and children
  • Siblings
  • Roommates / co-habitants
  • Grandparents

Penalties for domestic violence will center around the underlying crime a person is charged with. However, there are other penalties that could apply, including the loss of any firearms your own, the issuance of an emergency protective order against you, the requirement to take a domestic violence class, the loss of child custody, and more.

Why Should You Seek Out An Attorney?

Any domestic violence charge, as well as the underlying charges in these cases, can carry severe penalties. Regardless of whether or not the other parties involved want to press charges, the state of Arizona can still pursue a criminal case against you. A skilled Gilbert criminal defense attorney will work to investigate every aspect of the case. There are various defenses that can be employed in a domestic violence case, including the following:

  • There was no physical contact or injury caused to another person
  • You committed no crime at all
  • The injuries were the result of an accident
  • You were acting in self-defense
  • You were the victim of a false allegation
  • That there is no “domestic relationship” as defined by law

Let Us Get Started on Your Case Today

At AZ Defenders, we understand that the dynamics of domestic violence charges can be complicated. Our team will investigate every aspect of this case in an effort to get the charges against you dismissed entirely or substantially reduced. Let our Gilbert domestic battery attorneys get to work on your behalf today. You can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling (480) 456-6400.